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Showing posts from August, 2017

I Am In Japan!

Good evening! It's currently Sunday night and about 10pm at the time I am typing this. The past few days have been a roller coaster, and the only thing on my mind has been trying my best to document it all. I keep getting little snippets of video, I just can't do it all justice. Japan is already a super strange and interesting place. I'm American so everything is always strange but here's a small list of oddities I have noticed over the past two-ish days. -Having to ask for bags at the supermarket -A lot more floor-oriented furniture -Pachinkos -Everyone talks low and quick -There is a remote for my lights (pretty neat) -Crunchyroll is restricted in Japan -Convenient store food is actually pretty amazing Honestly, I woke up feeling terrible. I was sick, homesick, and miserable. But, like all good daughters, I listened to my mommy and talked to some of the people I traveled here with. I was a sobbing puking mess, but it was okay. I'm okay. I'm not going to lie

Sixteen Days

  So I've been sitting here the past two-three weeks counting down, and even now I'm counting down. The group chat explodes every time we hear something new from our Uni in Japan. I'm trying really hard not to stress over forgetting this or that or not being prepared enough in general because I know I won't be prepared. Nothing can prepare me for spending a whole year in a foreign country completely across the world from where I am now. I have never lived away from home. The longest I've stayed anywhere that wasn't home was a week and only once or twice was that without family. The group chat was discussing portable internet and what they should do. Buy a SIM card, prepaid phone, pocket wifi, or something. I had made up my mind to just be without and rely on what wifi I could use when I could. My dorm room will have wifi, and the campus has internet. My reasoning was people lived without cell phones let alone smartphones before so why not take this opportunity